as a means of education
The hands-on research experience coupled with outstanding education quality produces students that have a deeper, more natural understanding of steel construction. Steel Centre students work closely with partners from Alberta's leading companies to identify and solve real problems faced by the steel construction industry.
Steel structures research at the University of Alberta typically involves both large-scale testing in the I.F. Morrison Structural Engineering Laboratory, as well as computer modelling including high-fidelity applications. Steel structures research carried out at the University of Alberta has been influential in the development of design codes and standards world-wide.

engineering reports
Steel Centre Engineering Reports (SCERs) provide the latest findings from the Steel Centre research programme in the form of full technical publications.
If you have a challenge that needs a top team of researchers, lab equipment, and experience, consider submitting a Research Topic Proposal.
recent projects
seismic design
emerging technologies
Residual Stresses in Modern Welded Girders
Daniel Unsworth, M.Sc., explains his research into the residual stress distribution patterns found in modern welded girders. Fabrication methods have changed, sometimes significantly, since initial research was done on this topic in the 1960s. Modern fabrication practices are less thoroughly understood, and warrant additional research to ensure safety and efficiency in design.
Generative Design for Warehouses
This video represents the first steps the Steel Centre is taking towards creating a warehouse automation tool. The technology behind this tool allows the user to generate many layout options for the warehouse according to specific requirements set by the designer. In this case, the designer specifies the building footprint (Length and Width), the code then generates the first option. Following that, an evolutionary solver is used to produce hundreds or thousands of options by varying the spacing between the columns to arrive at the most cost effective option. In this example, the optimization is defined by reducing the total weight of the structure, a common method implemented by fabricators in approximating cost. At the end of this example, all the options are presented along with data describing each option, allowing the designer to make a judgment call on which option to proceed with as an option.

structural engineering reports
The Steel Centre produces and publishes a large number of technical reports of use to structural consultants and members of the steel industry.